How a Modeling Job Works
Why hire Models?
I am Ace von Alling, a creator of photographic art with a career spanning nearly two and a half decades. My journey in mastering the art of photography started in the vibrant city of New York and spanned the globe. Now, I have brought my vision to the scenic landscapes surrounding Sioux City, Yankton, and Norfolk. My creations are not just images; they are stories captured through the lens, and you can find these visual narratives through select art dealers or nestled within the pages of several books that have now become treasured rarities. Are you ready to embark on an artistic journey with me? Let’s connect and weave new stories with light and shadow.
I hire models for photoshoots, as my main products are limited-edition printed photographs for sale to collectors and through reputable dealers. Only my very best images see the inside of a gallery or photobook.
I primarily use digital cameras, and often utilize digital post-processing to create a desired effect, even going so far as to composite models into entirely artificial environments.
Who do I hire?
Cooperation is the name of the game in choosing a model. A model is someone I work with to create images. Someone who’s upbeat and amiable makes the photography work. A good personality will shine through in the images we create together and the viewer will see that. Personality aside, a cooperative model should be comfortable with being photographed in a wide range of poses, costumes, environments, and situations. Early sessions begin by warming up in a variety of fashion wardrobe before progressing to the nude portion of the photoshoot.
Naturally, physical beauty is a criteria for being selected to model, but many women who choose to apply and are selected don’t consider themselves to be models. I’ve written a brief essay on physical archetypes of models I hire.
All that said, I do love working with more experienced models, including those who pursue the profession full-time. Nearly a quarter of all models I work with are professionals: either full-time freelancers or those signed with a reputable modeling agency. If this describes you, your industry standard digitals and standard comp card information are all I need to see.
Does everyone make it as a model?
Figure models can be from a broad range of heights, weights, complexions, and bone structures. My essay on physical archetypes among figure photo models is an excellent place to start to understand what I’m looking for. Across all these archetypes, however, reasonable proportions and lines of the body are important.

How much do models make?
Get in touch and I’ll be happy to explain current rate structures to you. I offer a flexible balance of pay in cash and pay in images. Everyone who models for me receives competitive pay at the end of every shoot. There are never any deductions for having a rough day. If you want to be paid via cash, Venmo, PayPal, or similar, they’re all available. Some models have reasons to prefer being paid exclusively in images, and others prefer a combination: I can acomodate any of these arrangements.
Some models wind up working with me on a long-term basis, sometimes multiple days per week. For others, this is a way to have a flexible source of side income as needed on a more casual basis. You’ll be able to set your own schedule and decide how much you make. Fine art modeling can be an inspiring and gratifying career, most especially for those who love the process of creating art and have a passion for imagemaking.
What’s the process for new models to apply?
First of all, examine my portfolio of example images. After that, fill out an application to model. Don’t forget to upload a few images along with the form. See here for examples of the right kind of images to send.
If I feel like you’re a good fit for an upcoming shoot, I’ll get in touch to schedule a brief interview. We’ll have the interview someplace informal, such as a coffee shop. At this meeting, we’ll confirm that you look like your photos and discuss how a photoshoot works. I do ask that you be on time for your interview. Want someone along for support at the shoot? Bring them to the interview!
After booking a shoot, then what?
It’s important to keep me and my staff updated on your schedule. If you’re running late or have to reschedule, that’s usually okay, as long as I’m kept informed: communication is key! If you’re wondering about getting ready for your shoot, ask away!
What happens during a photoshoot?
When you arrive at a studio, you’ll have a bit of time to chill out after the drive, grab a snack and something to drink from the fridge, and do some touchups on hair and makeup in a room that will be set aside for you. My favorite locations have dedicated model green rooms, others have different setups. I’ll make sure you have a private area to change.
You’re welcome to bring the same friend you brought to your interview along to the shoot. (I’m most comfortable with people I’ve met before on set.)
Bring along some of your own clothes to model in: many models find it easiest to get into the groove of modeling by starting out clothed. I have wardrobe and costume elements available. Shoots tend to find their own pace, and you get to set your comfort level with what you wear. You might also decide that some other option than starting out in wardrobe makes you comfortable: I’m happy to explain those options when you arrive or at your interview.
As we’re shooting, I’m happy to give feedback, posing direction, and coaching. This is especially important if you’ve never been in a figure photoshoot before. Even the most experienced models often find some guidance helpful when attempting to execute my vision for an image. We’ll try to keep the energy level high and the positivity flowing throughout the sitting, as this will be evident in your body language and facial expressions.
We’ll often work on keeping the poses flowing from one to another. This makes them feel natural and alive in the final image. When a pose does need some specific instructions, I have a number of techniques for making this work.
At the end of the shoot, you’ll get dressed, sign your model release, and collect your payment. We’ll discuss the best methods of payment at your interview.
How do you use the photos?
Following the photoshoot, I’ll be selecting the best of the very best of the images we’ve created to be transformed into limited edition prints, or part of a photographic monograph. The final image is likely the result of many hours of work in studio, photoshop, and other graphics programs to create a final image that is to my liking. Final editions are sold through a variety of internationally reputable art dealers with well-vetted clientele.
Can I work with you more than once?
Many models will shoot with me time and again. Creating and finding the best images is a process that can’t be rushed. By working together on multiple occasions, we’ll have the chance to create a volume of work together before finalizing or publishing anything.
Your first shoot is far from defining of what you’ll achieve as a model, just like your first time swimming or riding a bike didn’t define those skills for your entire life. You’ll get to learn and grow as a model, and we both benefit by making sure we put out our best work.
Don’t be afraid to apply! I’m a normal person and so are the women who model for me. If you’re right for a project, I’ll have a modeling job for you very quickly.